Wednesday, July 22, 2009

So Proud

MTV has a show called "16 and Pregnant" that follows a teenage girl throughout her pregnancy and shortly after delivery. The stories are heartbreaking as you see all of the hard decisions these girls face and the lack of support, education, financial assistance. Last weeks episode, however, was incredible. Despite having no support and many concerns, the couple Catelynn and Tyler chose to place their baby girl for adoption. I was in tears as I watched them weigh their options and then choose to do such a noble thing, and then grieve when baby Carly was gone. But I was so proud of them. It's not often that an adoptive parent gets a glimpse of what it's like BEFORE they enter the picture, so I was grateful for that glimpse, as small as it was. That being said...

There are thousands of brave, noble birth parents out there making the same heroic decision and not receiving credit for it on tv and the internet. I know because I have been blessed by 3 of them. So, to my girl's brave birth parents, THANK YOU. Thank you for being our heroes. I am SO PROUD of YOU.

"She has filled the empty spaces in our family and our home..."


BrOoKe said...

I saw this also and was so happy to see them show this. I love that people's views about adoption are starting to change. Before I placed my son with an amazing family I always thought of adoption as this big ugly secret. Its so completely far from that. I'm glad that a a series on MTV decided to actually show this it. Maybe it'll change alot of other girls opionions too....

Nishant said...

I love that people's views about adoption are starting to change.

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