Tuesday, March 10, 2009

My Reality

I am a stay at home mommy. I love everything about it. My schedule is flexible. We have lots of pajama days. And I don't miss a single second of my daughter's life. She and I are best friends. Really. She helps me clean the house, make dinner, etc. while I read to her, take her to the park and simply cuddle with her in return. But being home all day is really hard right now while I'm waiting. Waiting to hear if we have another miracle on the way. Waiting to hear if my life is going to be blessed with a baby or if I should prepare myself for inevitable heartbreak-again.

I try to escape reality. I read books. I watch tv. I go outside. I drive across town to visit people. Anything to turn my mind off. But the second I am home, it's back to My Reality. This is what I do. I am a mom fighting to get my babies here, so I will check my email 50 times a day and keep calling my caseworker. This is my reality and one day, hopefully very soon, it will pay off.


Meka said...

Hi, I stumbled upon you blog from another blog I look at. I looked at your adoption profile and the neat thing is we live in Vegas too! We just adopted our first baby, she was born on Valentines day. It has been so wonderful. You guys seem like such a great couple. I also saw you guys on this other blog with success stories and I read your adoption story! Every adoption is such a miracle and it reminds me how close the Lord really is to each of us. The Lord will bless you. It's hard to wait but the timing is important. Just stay close to the Lord, when you are, His thoughts will be YOUR thoughts and that is all we need.

Meka said...

Really? I don't know why I just assumed you lived in vegas. Sorry! So you don't have an FSA out there? Do you have an LDS social services office or is Brad your social worker? Well I just think you are awesome, I was just reading you post on Hannah and I loved how you worded everything. I held on to that story so much during our 5 years of waiting. Oh and I have a barren blog too (kind of turning into an adoption blog) http://howtoraiseadoginloveandrighteousness.blogspot.com/