Thursday, November 13, 2008

Range of Emotions

One of the biggest factors on both sides of adoption is emotion. While I can only say what we have felt as an adoptive family, I know that birth parents face many similar feelings. Recently we were matched with a birthmom who ended up changing her mind. While it has been one of the hardest things we've ever been through, I can't say that I blame her. It is a HARD thing to do, but also the bravest, most selfless thing anyone can do to place a child for adoption. It truly takes someone special to be able to place their child in the arms of their forever family.

We have experienced the highest of highs and the lowest of lows. They call the adoption journey a roller coaster and it definitly is! As you go through the process it helps to have someone you can talk to who has been there and can provide advice or simply a listening ear.

Don't expect yourself to handle things a certain way as you go through the process (waiting especially). You've got to be willing to let yourself cry, be frustrated and be angry (I'm trying to take my own advice here!) and then move on to the next emotion as it comes. Right now, I feel HOPE. I know there is a child out there that is meant to be mine and I won't stop looking until I find them.

You may only hear good things about adoption, or just the opposite. I don't think there's really a way to prepare yourself either because every situation, couple and birthparent are very different. But you have a loving Father in Heaven to walk each step with you. He knows where YOUR child is and I believe He will lead you to them.

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