Tuesday, November 18, 2008

I Can't Do It Alone

So, it's now been 6 weeks since we found out that our birthmom changed her mind and decided to parent her baby. It has been a very long, hard 6 weeks. I have cried many tears and asked many "whys"? I have felt alone and wished that people could understand our loss. But today I realized that although it would be great if people could TRULY understand our loss, the pain is mine to endure to get to the point of healing.

But, I can't do it alone. None of us can, which is why we have been given our family and friends. And our Savior.

You have someone to lean on. Always.


Nicole said...

I'm so sorry! My husband and I had two adoptions fall through before we got our sweet little girl. I wish you and your family all the best while you wait for the next baby.

(Thanks for entering the car seat blanket giveaway. Good luck!)

Jason DeMarco said...

I have never adopted, but have had miscarriages. I understand the loss you feel. I wish I could be there to give you a big hug. So, this will just have to do. Check out my friend's blog Adam and Rachel. They also have an adoption link off of theirs.