Saturday, January 1, 2011


People are cruel sometimes. They say things without thinking. They don't "edit" their thoughts before they reach their mouth. They may mean well, but there are certain things you shouldn't ask people. My list would go like this,

Don't ask me:
-If I'm "done" having kids.
-How much my kids "cost".
-Where my kid's "real" parents are.
-If I'm going to "go for a boy" next time.

Don't tell me:
-I did things the "easy" way
-My kids are lucky I would take them "like they're my own"
-That we should try fertility drugs to "have our own"
-Don't tell me to "relax"

And please don't ever, ever make a joke about being infertile just because you didn't want kids yet and it got people off of your back. Not okay.

Somedays I can handle all things adoption and infertility. I can let the comments go (mostly). And days like today, I need to vent.