Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Thank You

I know that I am incredibly blessed to have my sweet girls and to have successfully navigated our way through this adoption journey to find them. But I find myself complaining...a lot. Our journey has been one with lots of bumps along the way. Sometimes it seemed that anything that could go wrong, would. But not all of it was bad, after all, I have two beautiful daughters. So, I am setting aside my complaints to say Thank You.

Thank you to 3 birth parents for making an adoption plan for their daughters. Thank you birth families for supporting that plan and standing beside us as we ALL welcomed these little girls into our family.

Thank you to 3 different states for clearing us to go home with our beautiful daughters.

Thank you to 3 different LDSFS offices and caseworkers for tirelessly working on our cases.

Thank you to the girls who considered placing with us and in many ways helping us prepare to be parents again.

Thank you to the PD for taking our fingerprints again and again. And again.

Thank you to countless many who prayed for our family and opened their mouths to tell our story.

Thank you to family and friends for standing beside us and cheering us on.

Thank you to my 2 year old who had to wipe my tears too often and tell me it's okay. She even offered me a bottle once to make me feel better!

Thank you to a sweet husband who held me while I cried and taught me so much about faith and family.

And Thank you to my Father in Heaven for entrusting me with these Precious little spirits.

Adoption is a beautiful, life changing gift.

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