Tuesday, April 7, 2009

10 Things I LOVE...

About Adoption!
I saw this on a friend's blog and tweaked it for this blog :) These are in no particular order.

1) Meeting your child-looking them in the eyes and KNOWING that you are theirs and they are yours. I've said it before, but when I met my daughter it felt like we both said, "welcome home."

2) Adoption music-I cry like a baby when I hear it! Songs about incredible birth parents, incredible adoptive parents and most of all, incredible miracle children.
*Try these cds-Do you have a little love to share-Janice Kapp Perry/ Chosen cd/ From God's Arms to My Arms to Yours book & cd combo-Michael Mclean

3) Happy endings. When these amazing birth parents go on and graduate from college, or meet that special someone who will help mend their broken heart. Of course almost every child/adoptive family has a happy ending too, but I especially appreciate a good one for the birth family! :)

4) LDS Family Services. Because it is my religion, I feel more comfortable sharing things with them and I know that they are praying, just as I am, that all will be well. Their goal is to find FOREVER families for the babies they place...pretty worthy goal if you ask me :)

5) When a judge pronounces that your child will now be forever known as "____________" and for the first time they say their first, middle and last name! On all paperwork prior to finalization, it just says "baby girl"/"baby boy". The judge says that this child is now like he/she was born to you and there will be no legal difference...which leads me to my absolute favorite thing about adoption...

6) Having your child join your ETERNAL family. After finalization, you are able to have your child sealed to you in the Temple and they can then receive a name a blessing. No words can ever describe how incredible it is that our Father in Heaven has provided a way for us to be a family forever, no matter how we are built.

7) Adoption books and movies-also make me cry! (This subject is dear to my heart, so I cry easily anyway:) My favorite adoption movie is "A Place for Annie", it's a Hallmark movie that I have loved since I was really young...never imagining that I would be an adoptive mommy! We have many favorite adoption books, but for fiction I love "My not-so-fairy-tale life" by Julie Wright. Non-fiction I like "A treasury of Adoption Miracles" by Karen Kingsbury. And our favorite children's book about adoption is called "The Lamb-a-roo" by Diana Kimpton. Hope you enjoy them as much as we did!

8) Getting to know other people that have placed a child, have adopted, are adopting, or ARE adopted. Everyone has stories in their lives and "these stories don't mean anything, if you've got no one to tell them to..." I love to hear their stories and learn from them, cry with them, grow from them.

9) Sharing a relationship with birth parents. You think that no one loves your child as much as you do, but the brave decision to place that baby is proof that that's not the case! Every situation is different and many adoptive families were never able to meet their child's birth family, but I'm so grateful that we did. They are amazing and their love for our daughter will be part of her life every single day.

10) That adoption is a gift given to create families. Someone once told me that adoption was not about love, but was about trying to make someone else's child your own. I couldn't disagree more. Adoption is about a child who needs a family, and a family who needs a child and through the Grace of God, they find each other. I will never not acknowledge our little girl's birthmom as the woman who carried her and loved her enough to give her MORE. But in every sense of the word, B is now my daughter and will be FOREVER.

I know with all of my heart that adoption is an act of God. It is about pure love and has taught me so much already, I can't wait to see what comes next!


Meka said...

I love your post! I am ordering some the books your recommend on amazon right now! I remember the first time I saw our baby, I know it wasn't long ago but it was such a neat moment. She looked up at me as if to say "here I am" like you don't need to be sad anymore, you found me! It was so neat to have that conformation that she was ours. Adoption is awesome and I am so happy to be able to have all my kids this way. It's just hard to have to wait for it to happen!

Savannah said...

Thank you for sharing that. I am so excited to adopt, but sometimes I need something like this to lift my spirits. I tried to find the movie on Netflix, but couldn't so I will just have to get it and the books.