Wednesday, November 26, 2008


So, in the spirit of Thanksgiving, I wanted to talk about the things relating to adoption that I am thankful for. As I have said before, losing our baby has hurt SO badly and I still find myself crying at random moments. But, I am choosing today to focus on the positives of that experience so that I can say, "I am grateful that this has happened to us."

I am thankful that...
  1. I was able to go to my first ultrasound
  2. I was able to get to know an incredible young woman who became like a sister to me
  3. we were able to know again the love that we could feel for a child we did not create
  4. my husband, Daniel, and I have grown closer together
  5. it made us appreciate our sweet Brinley and her beautiful birthmom more
  6. we felt like we were doing our part to get our next child here (which, to an adoptive couple who has NO control whatsoever, that is a HUGE thing!)
  7. I have made new friends through this experience. Friends who understand and offer advice, kleenex or just a listening ear. Friends who have cried with me. Thank you.
  8. I have felt hands that are not my own lifting me when I could no longer stand
  9. we have caught a glimpse of what a birthparent feels and I think it has given us a little more compassion, a little more understanding and a little more love.
  10. a new day is just around the corner and we WILL find our child.

What are you thankful for this Thanksgiving? Were you recently placed with? Are you a birthparent? Has your life been changed forever by adoption?

HAPPY THANKSGIVING! God is good to us!

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