Sunday, November 15, 2009


I didn't realize it had been so long since I posted last!

November is National Adoption Month! Now that our adoptions are final and we are not "looking" for our Miracles, but enjoying them, I find that adoption isn't constantly at the front of my mind. With both of my girls, I forget that I did not give birth to them and feel like they've always been a part of me. The only difference (besides the fact that I didn't give birth) is that our family has grown by several people, not just the addition of a baby. In both cases we added another set of grandparents or 2, some aunts, uncles, cousins, and of course, our remarkable birth parents.

Now that we have finalized our adoptions, there is great relief and it's time to simply "be" as a family. We discuss adoption often as a family and it's not something that will ever be hidden, like it's shameful, because it's NOT shameful.

As we discuss adoption, our 2 year old is beginning to grasp the concept. This week we had a very long, very neat conversation about adoption. My 2 year old told me how happy she was to be in our home and she actually said that "it's not a mistake." I had no idea she even knew that word and the entire conversation left me speechless with tears in my eyes.

Our second daughter is 4 and half months old. She is pure joy and such a happy baby. There is something about the bond that I have with her that is magic. When she looks at me, it's like she KNOWS, just like our 2 year old knows, just like my husband and I know, that we are a FAMILY. Forever. We were meant to be together. I am their mommy, they are my sweet girls. We have been so blessed to be touched by adoption and I'm so grateful to now be enjoying my miracles.