Thursday, August 6, 2009

Adoption Items

I love to find great things about adoption, whether it be media or clothing, it's so nice to know that there are people out there who understand. So, I thought I'd share some of my favorite finds...

This website has such cute shirts for adopting moms and dads. My favorites are, "Paper Pregnant" or "Have I met her real mother?'s ME!" and "yes, my hands are full, but so is my heart!" Their prices are pretty reasonable, so these would make great gifts. (hint hint! ;) Check out their sale and clearance sections too.

The cd "Chosen" is full of beautiful songs written from the perspective of the birth parents, child and adoptive parents. Make sure you have kleenexs handy, you are going to cry when you listen to it!

Michael Mclean first wrote an adoption song years ago from a birth mother's perspective. He just released a book two years ago dedicated to adoption with a cd included. It's called "From God's Arms to My Arms to Yours" This cd is also written from different perspectives and is beautiful!

Etsy has some great adoption jewelry, t-shirts, birth announcements and more! Just type in a search and browse the great things that come up...let me know if you have the willpower to NOT buy things, I know I don't!

It is so great to have resources available for adoptive families. If you have favorite adoption books, cds or other items, leave a comment. I'd love to hear what they are!